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Tuesday, March 04, 2014

Budget proposal fleshes out OMB's management agenda

More than six months after President Barack Obama announced his second-term management agenda, the Office of Management and Budget is putting some specifics behind it.

As part of the fiscal 2015 budget request sent to Congress Tuesday, the administration described initiatives around improving customer service at the IRS and the Social Security Administration. OMB also plans to fund and launch a civilian property realignment board and to include more funding for the National Science Foundation and the National Institute of Standards and Technology to make federally funded data more widely available.

OMB said it will also launch new and improved employee training programs and three pilot programs to enhance how agencies hire employees.

"The agenda is focused on delivering a 21st century government that is more effective, efficient and supportive of economic growth," said Beth Cobert, OMB's deputy director for management, Tuesday during a teleconference with reporters.

Cobert said the management agenda is focused on four themes:
  • Effectiveness — delivering better, faster, smarter services to citizens and businesses.
  • Efficiency — increasing quality and value in the government's core administrative functions.
  • Economic growth — opening government funded data and research to the public to spur innovation and economic growth.
  • People and culture — unlocking the full potential of the federal workforce and building the workforce the government needs for the future.

- Jason Miller, FederalNewsRadio.com

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