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Tuesday, October 10, 2006

Closing in on records management

Defining what your agency means by “records” is as important as the systems that manage them

The business of government isn’t business—it’s records. People entrust vital records, legal records, historical records and other records to federal, state and local bodies. These government agencies must keep as many records as any business, while simultaneously providing public access and satisfying numerous regulations. Records management systems are needed to help acquire, categorize, store, query, recall and dispose of records quickly and efficiently.

“Government has had records managers forever; automated systems are different, but the basic concepts remain the same,” said Barry Murphy, senior analyst with Forrester Research of Cambridge, Mass.

In fact, there are many records management features to consider when deploying new systems—whether your agency is looking for a standalone solution or records management as part of another system, such as financial management or enterprise resource planning.


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