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Thursday, April 13, 2006

FederalNewsRadio - Ask the CFO - Donald Hammond (Treasury)

"Don Hammond was appointed Fiscal Assistant Secretary, a career position, on September 27, 1998, after serving as the Deputy Fiscal Assistant Secretary since July 1996. In his position, he provides policy oversight over the activities of the Financial Management Service and the Bureau of the Public Debt in conducting the fiscal affairs of the federal government. The office also serves as the Treasury's liaison with the Federal Reserve System in its role as the government's fiscal agent. The scope of his responsibilities includes management of the government's cash flow, improving government financial management, the execution of the government's financing activities and the operation of government-wide financial accounting and reporting systems including the preparation of the Consolidated Financial Statements of the United States. In addition, Mr. Hammond is a statutory member of the Government-wide CFO Council, represents Treasury on the JFMIP Steering Committee and represents the Secretary on the Trust Fund Boards for the National Archives and Library of Congress.

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